My spirit spoke to me in stories. It questioned me deeply, my ideas of spirituality, my pathways to light, my understanding of what my soul was, in ways that were to change my life.
One of the first things I noticed was how I was being directed to go inwards. I was sent clues that were like little pieces of cinema clips I had to piece together to look at the story of my life.
This was how my spirit taught me to see. I had to use my eyes to understand how I interpreted the world.
My spirit took me into ascension. The pace was steady at first, but I often felt a pull away from the direction my spirit was taking me in. Over time, it developed into quite a strong divide. My higher spirit was very different to the spirit energy that I was familiar with. As we went deeper, I felt I was moving away from it and that worried me. I was used to my spirit and we were an integrated space where I could always reach it.
Such was the struggle within. Higher energies, unfamiliar to me, were being pulled into my energy spaces and karmic play was engulfing my energy system.
There were many struggles, dark nights were the worse because the level of karmic play was getting louder and the maya mind was overwhelming.
On deeper reflection, my spirit took me on an about turn, that is, my higher spirit raised me and then took everything apart. There was nothing left to bring me back. Nothing was working. All states were in conflict.
I had to create change. And as I did this I came into a greater knowing of the self. My soul had lead many lives of suffering. Spiritual development was not always a thread, but there were other commonalities that I recognised in myself. Primary was my relationship to power, then there was victim, then female. When I looked at my soul energy, this was at play at the level of the higher self. These three factors were at play in each of the souls incarnations. When I looked deeply in to this, it had to mean that the soul had been unable to meet its generic ratios with each of these energies. When I looked at why this was, I thought it had to have been a condition of birth.
One has to consider one's spiritual lineage, that is the soul family from which the first incarnation was derived from. My lineage has deep soul agreements with love.
When I considered my birth, I was born with high levels of divine love. On the polar side, there were huge deficits that were of an extreme nature. I had come to an understanding of my family and I realised I wasn't the same.
What did it mean? In my lineage, we are born into spiritual growth with love. That means, we all hold a ratio of divine love that sets us apart from the norm.
That means we are often here to heal. In my incarnation, I have taken a healing path with love and that is how I heal. It is within the divine and agreement exists across all my religious aspects. We are on a great journey of exploration and trust. The spiritual world has much to offer, pathways to love exist in all of our Earth's assets. Growth is our next step. We have all raised the angelic to support this. Now we have to learn how to live with love.
I Star Heart Healing