My healing approach is to work with the energy structure and the heart as a method of moving forwards in life.
A fundamental part of my healing method is to support the heart. The heart is a critical part of our energy system, as it interconnects with the physical body and the energy body. When the heart becomes overburdened, it leads to weakened states where energies that are already distorted become more entrenched which ultimately leads to ill-health.
As I work through the energy structure, patterns emerge where distorted energies group together as energy blocks. For distorted energies to become patterned there has to be an overriding background of negativity. Limitation is one of the fundamentals to energy blocks and how these blocks develop into larger spaces of ill-health.
To live in alignment with the body's natural resources creates energy flow. Life naturally becomes more directional. For those who are searching for purpose or direction, life has already misdirected you, and it may take longer to make the necessary choices that bring in change.
The heart is sound. It is a frequency from which we emit energy. We all have an unique sound which is formed at the point of birth. This unique sound is expressed through the energy system and our divinity. The pitch of the sound is so high it is only heard through our higher divinity.
The heart has its own consciousness. It is this consciousness that effects how we feel about the world around us, the people in our lives and the relationship with the self. We flow with people or away from them according to the heart's attract. When we are in discord, we are distanced from the heart and its understanding of how to re-direct us back to the heart's nature.
Living from the heart means accessing our heart's consciousness. It means listening and responding not from the mind but from the heart's nature.
The heart has a deepness from which we house our divinity. Our divine nature is expressed through our energy and is often linked to our creativity.
Restoring the body's vital organs is essential for healthy living. Over time the body can become depleted and the systems that regulate the body sluggish. They become overloaded and are unable to run at the required speed.
There are steps everyone can take that have an almost immediate effect on the body.
The first is our water intake. We are designed to have quite a high quotient of water and daily intake has to be steady until we reach our body's natural balance. It is not easy for the body to digest huge intakes of water so a steady increase is necessary.
The second is movement. It is so important for the body to be mobile, especially as we age. Daily walking or movement is necessary to keep our muscles supple.
The third is breath. Our breath becomes shallow as a result of stressful living and learning to stop and listen to the body can be difficult if we are unused to this. Regular deep breath practice can be an easy option to help to regulate the breath. A few deep inhales and a gentle exhale relaxes the body. Repeated daily this acts as a mini de-stress detox.
Strength, fluidity and muscle are vital for rebuilding the body.
Strength is the body's way of holding the alignment of the body in place. It requires a great deal of strength as the body becomes more the body uses to create the ability to hold itself. Without our strength we simply can not resist the pain thresholds that lead to the body's wear and tear.
Fluidity is the body's movement. One of the main impairments to movement is the pain body. This is a network of highly charged pain thresholds that limit the ability to move with ease or flexibility.
When we have fluidity through the body we are able to hold the necessary levels of water the body needs to regulate its temperature. Without sufficient fluids the body becomes dehydrated and starts to feel tired.
Our muscles hold the body's alignment. When we are in alignment everything works together and we can flow our energy. When we are out of alignment, aches begin to be more prominent and the pain body is engaged.
I Star Heart Healing